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Ash Ketchum

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The main character of PokeMon

name: Ash Ketchum
Jap. name: Satoshi
race: human
gender: male
age: 10 (14 in Japanese version)
hair: black
eyes: black
height: short
weight: my sorces don't know
status: PokeMon trainer
quote: "PokeMon isn't about tests, it's about battles!"
bio: Ash is the hero of Pokémon. Spunky and determined, Ash started traveling the world at age 10 to become the greatest Pokemon master of all. His main Pokemon partner is his Pikachu.

Ash travels with Misty and Brock. Misty goes with him until he can repay her for her bike that he accidently broke. Ash and Misty don't get along to well. Ash likes to play pranks on her, insult her, and argue with her. Brock usually breaks up the fights.

Ash may be stubborn, thick-headed, and dense, but he cares about Pokemon a lot and treats them with kindness.

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